Inspire Learners Around the World

Become a GLOMADO Instructor and earn money teaching what you love.

Instructor in workshop
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Earn on Your Terms

Earn up to $50 USD per hour from the comfort of your home or studio. Teach Workshops only when it's convenient for you.

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Share Your Culture

Share your culture by teaching Learners how to create your favorite cultural crafts and activities.

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Connect with the World

Every time you teach a Workshop, you’ll connect with new and interesting people from all over the world.

"I've always longed to share Ecuadorian culture with the rest of the world, and GLOMADO makes it possible. Now, I have international colleagues, students and friends, and my dear Ecuador is out there."

Photo of John B.

John B.

Workshops Our Learners Love

Check out some of the Workshop categories our Learners love. If you have an idea for a Workshop that isn't listed below, please let us know in your application. We welcome your creativity!

  • Jewelry Making
  • Pottery
  • Mask Making
  • Weaving
  • Instrument Making
  • Costumes
  • Puppet Making
  • Toys
  • Beauty
  • Woodworking
  • Sculpting
  • Painting
  • Sewing
  • Doll Making
  • Paperworks
  • Folklore
  • Traditional Crafts

Workshops coming soon: Cooking, Music, & Dancing

Image collage featuring Instructors and Learners


Become a GLOMADO Instructor

01. Apply Online

Fill out our Instructor application and select a convenient date and time for your live, webcam interview with our team.

02. Create a Workshop

Once your application is approved, you're ready to create your first Workshop! Our Workshop setup process is simple and user-friendly, and our team is always here to help.

03. Teach & Connect

As soon as we receive your GLOkit supplies, you're ready to start teaching! Share your Workshop on social media to generate buzz and attract Learners.

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Apply Now

Ready to earn money by sharing your culture with the world? Become a GLOMADO Instructor today.